Developing protection products for the construction industry


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Developing protection products for the construction industry

26 July 2022 With limited solutions available to minimise the risk to construction workers, StrucTemp Innovation asked LUMA-iD to develop a range of protection products which are now known as the

26 July 2022

With limited solutions available to minimise the risk to construction workers, StrucTemp Innovation asked LUMA-iD to develop a range of protection products which are now known as the Buddy range. Prototype Projects vacuum cast the prototypes for design verification.

LUMA-iD and Prototype Projects have enjoyed a decade-long partnership. Mark Little, co-founder of LUMA-iD, talks to Prototype Projects about a project with start-up company, StrucTemp Innovations.

About LUMA-iD

LUMA-iD was established by university friends, Luke and Mark, in 2012. Their design engineering consultancy is a small team of designers and engineers who thrive, particularly, on delivering early stage iterations, quickly. Focused mainly on projects that will have a positive impact on the world, such as safety, medical devices and environment solutions, the LUMA-iD team makes listening a priority to ensure their customers’ vision is fully realised.

The importance of being market-aware

Around 2017 Structemp Innovations, a start-up company that develops structural accessories in the construction industry, initially instructed LUMA-iD to develop couplers for scaffolding.

While the couplers (pictured below) generated some interest when Structemp Innovations presented their product at a Future Builds exhibition, the company was overwhelmed by visitors to their stand who had a demand for products which would provide protection for their workforce and the public.

Rather than push ahead with their original coupler concept, Structemp Innovations listened to their target market and worked with LUMA-iD to develop a different product, the Buddy.

Understanding the problem

Structemp Innovations’ research into the dangers of temporary construction structures, such as scaffolding, revealed the potential for causing injuries from exposed rebars, bolts and tube endings, for example. Injuries range from minor cuts and abrasions, to slips, trips and falls, through to back injuries, punctures, and impalement.

With limited solutions available to minimise the risk to construction workers, Structemp Innovations asked LUMA-iD to develop a range of protection products which are now known as the Buddy range.

To finance the development of the project, LUMA-iD worked with Structemp Innovations to secure funding through the British Design Fund (BDF). The BDF supports, mentors and invests in well-designed purpose-led product businesses in the UK.

Vacuum casting the Buddy range

With the funding from the BDF in place, LUMA-iD set about developing the Buddy range which would include the Buddy Rebar, Buddy Rebar XL, Bolt Buddy, Tube Buddy and the Nip Buddy.

Mark Little explained,

“we were solving a problem and needed the right process to verify our solutions with. While 3D Printing is great for producing prototypes of rigid products, the Buddy range needed soft and pliable material. This left us with two options: tooling which would incur costs in the region of £10k and which might not achieve the required result, or vacuum cast silicone tooling. Having worked with Prototype Projects for many years, I was confident in their ability to produce a vacuum cast silicone tool which was as close to the real thing.”

Prototype Projects took LUMA-iD’s CAD file to create the silicone tool. An SLA master tool was created with the required surface finish. This was then used to create the castings.

Mark said,

“SLS wasn’t a solution as the process is limited in its choice of material. At the other end of the spectrum, resins are expensive which would impact on the budget. Vacuum cast silicone tooling sits between the two and as Prototype Projects produce high quality silicone tools it was the obvious solution.”

The manufactured Buddy range enjoyed a successful start to business as Structemp Innovations secured a large order when showing the parts made by Prototype Projects at the Future Builds tradeshow in 2020. Since then, the company has begun working with Selkent who act as distributors for the Buddy range.

LUMA-iD and Prototype Projects

When discussing the long-term relationship that LUMA-iD has enjoyed with Prototype Projects, Mark credited fast turnaround, flexibility and quality of tooling to be key factors.

Mark said,

“Prototype Projects has always produced quality parts, it’s a given. I really value the speed in which they work, from quote to order to delivery. They are flexible in their approach, and it is always a pleasure to work with the team.”

Mark went on to praise Adam Sharkey, Senior Sales Advisor. He said,

“Adam is a great communicator. He has vast technical knowledge that he shares, and he sends photos to show progress. He’s professional and great to work with which is another reason why I value Prototype Projects.”