Cost and schedule impact of scaffolding is far from boring


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Sep 02, 2023

Cost and schedule impact of scaffolding is far from boring

Buckle up. We are going to take a deep dive into everyone's favorite topic in the construction and maintenance world - scaffolding. For those who have not been bitten by the scaffold bug, the subject

Buckle up. We are going to take a deep dive into everyone's favorite topic in the construction and maintenance world - scaffolding.

For those who have not been bitten by the scaffold bug, the subject of scaffolding can seem monotonous, boring and seemingly simple. However, the cost and schedule implications of scaffolding on any capital construction project, outage, shutdown/turnaround effort or maintenance job are enormous. This earns scaffolding a top spot on the list of things that every project, controls and financial manager should aim to get right.

Several studies have indicated that scaffolding-related scopes rank as some of the most important, as well as the most challenging and wasteful, indirect construction costs for projects by industry leaders, owners, and contractors.

Thankfully, processes and materials now exist to mitigate complexity and uncertainty while combatting the wastefulness often experienced in scaffolding. For example, a predictive modeling approach can be used to gain cost and scheduling certainty on scaffolding efforts. In addition, scaffolding material that eliminates the use of lumber and tie-wire consumables is readily available.

Going over budget on scaffolding is a common problem; labor required for scaffolding installation alone can represent 20% of the total direct field labor requirements for a project. Increasing labor efficiency can be the key to significant savings on scaffolding by reducing installation time. Owners can improve this labor efficiency by engaging with a scaffolding provider that doesn't treat scaffolding as a task on a project manager's checklist, but one that elevates scaffolding management to a planned project discipline. Incorporating scaffolding into project pre-planning enables innovative designs and customer solutions that can dramatically reduce field modifications, excess material and craft hours needed for installation. Innovative and modern scaffolding designs, such as PERI UP Flex modular scaffolding material, make it safer and quicker to install - 40% faster than tube and clamp systems, further enhancing labor efficiency.

The earlier a scaffolding designer can be engaged, the bigger the bump in efficiency. Embedding a designer into the engineering team, coordinating with the construction team on overall strategy and constructability and developing a scaffold methodology early all allow for the creation of detailed, more accurate estimates. As engineering and modeling progress, scaffolding details emerge, allowing integration of innovative techniques to minimize material, maximize labor output and increase safety. By modeling the vast majority of scaffolds required for construction and integrating these scaffolds into construction work packages and the construction schedule, a scaffold material recycle plan can be created, which maximizes utilization of materials, holds construction partners accountable and decreases costs.

Another aspect of scaffolding that is often overlooked is the simplicity of scaffold builds. Ensuring that the design team reviews the model for clashes and congestion, and designs the best fit for scaffold for access into the work front, will prevent headaches from occurring in the field. This simplicity can often avoid confusion with the erection crews, saving time and rebuilds. With accurate pre-planning, scaffold yard personnel are able to pick the exact material needed for each scaffold, deliver it to the erection site and provide the build team with interactive model shots via tablet or phone to increase build efficiency.

It is key to work with a scaffolding provider that employs an integrated scaffolding solution that goes beyond material supply by possessing the capabilities to include 3D design services and labor for scaffold installation and dismantling. These benefits, along with utilization of one type of scaffold system site-wide, improve labor efficiency during scaffolding installation and reconfiguration.

It's not boring when you bring this type of innovative and winning scaffolding execution and contracting strategy to the table as a value improvement idea for your project.

For more information, visit or call (864) 295-7886.

For more information, visit or call (864) 295-7886.